July at Inhotim
Inhotim’s July schedule looks very promising! And with a bonus: an extra day to enjoy the park. This month, visits take place from Tuesday to Sunday.
Among the gardens and galleries, the first music festival designed by Inhotim will celebrate art, nature and music. Eight shows by artists from four continents on three stages were especially created for the event. The Jardim Sonoro experience will be free for the visitors from the July 12 to 14.
In addition to Direito à forma [Right to form], with its final days on view at the Fonte Gallery, and Giro (2023), by Luana Vitra, at the Marcenaria Gallery, three new temporary exhibitions are on view: O Barco [The Boat] (2021), by Grada Kilomba; Esconjuro, by Paulo Nazareth; and Ensaios sobre paisagem [Essays on landscape]. They can be seen at the Galpão, Praça and Lago galleries, respectively.
This month, these new exhibitions are inspiration for Moving Atelier’s [inserir link quando tiver] workshops, which propose experiences based on different artistic languages. In the activities, people will make flags in the format of wheatpasted posters, write letters or poems that translate memories, create observation points and put together a collective catalog with drawings.
In the Mediated Visits [inserir link quando tiver] , different themes will be discussed, such as freedom, time, landscape and hybrid beings based on the Institute’s artistic and botanical collection. The Inhotim Well-Being Tour[inserir link quando tiver] will play with giant soap bubbles, awakening the public’s body and soul for playing. In its turn, the Panoramic Visit is the option for those who want to learn more about the history of the park.
To visit for free, pick up your ticket for Wednesdays or the last Sunday of the month, July 28. Learn more in the Free Inhotim guide.
Monthly Schedule
July at Inhotim

In July, Inhotim opens its doors with its first music festival, exhibitions, workshops and more. Pick up your ticket.
July at Inhotim
July 01 to 31