
a friend

  • September at Inhotim

    Discover this month’s program and visit Inhotim

  • Grada Kilomba, “O Barco” | “The Boat” (2021)

    New work by Grada Kilomba in Brazil on view at the Galpão Gallery in Inhotim

  • International Seminar Transmutar

    Ways of being in the world, gestures that preserve life

  • Paulo Nazareth, Esconjuro (Conjuration; 2024)

  • Free admission at Inhotim: a guide to get guaranteed entry

  • Saberes e Memórias | Book launch: “O que o nosso povo contou”

  • Inhotim Rotas Musicais: 2024 Season

  • Instituto Inhotim

    Where art meets nature, is waiting for you

  • Inhotim Design Shop

    Take Inhotim with you in your daily life



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