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Cosmococa/CC3 Maileryn

The title Maileryn is the junction of the name of one of the major icons of pop culture in the 20th century, Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962), and that of the writer Norman Mailer (1923-2007), author of her biography. In it, Mailer states that Marilyn was murdered by secret service agents of the North American government due … Continued

Exhibition Overview (2019)

Planejada para coincidir com a inauguração da escultura de Robert Irwin no Instituto Inhotim (2019), a exposiçãotemporária Visão Geral, na Galeria Mata, apresenta obras dos artistas brasileiros Laura Vinci, Iran do Espírito Santo, Sara Ramo, José Damasceno, Alexandre da Cunha e Marcius Galan. Ela adentra na produção escultórica contemporânea para além de sua apresentação na forma de objetos tridimensionais. Em algumas obras, o pensamento escultórico é conduzido pela ausência ou negação, para a qual … Continued

Eixo Curatorial 3

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued

Eixo Curatorial 2

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued

Eixo Curatorial 1

Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos … Continued


Yano-a (2005) foi desenvolvida a partir da fotografia, “Wakata-ú, Tiy” (1974) em preto e branco, de autoria de Claudia Andujar, que registra o incêndio de uma shabono (casa comunitária) Yanomami, na região do rio Catrimani.  Com a proposta de voltar ao instante em que essa imagem foi captada, a dupla Gisela Motta e Leandro Lima … Continued

Cosmococa/CC2 Onobject

In the early 1970s, Hélio Oiticica collaborated with filmmaker Neville D’Almeida in the creation of a series of five pioneer installations (Quasi-Cinemas), known as BLOCO-EXPERIÊNCIAS in COSMOCOCAS – Programa in Progress. Coined by Neville, the title ‘Cosmococa’ derives from ‘cocaine’ – a psychoactive substance that alters the state of mind, here used as make-up on … Continued

Cosmococa/CC1 Trashiscapes

In the early 1970s, Hélio Oiticica collaborated with filmmaker Neville D’Almeida in the creation of a series of five pioneer installations (Quasi-Cinemas), known as BLOCO-EXPERIÊNCIAS in COSMOCOCAS – Programa in Progress. Coined by Neville, the title ‘Cosmococa’ derives from ‘cocaine’ – a psychoactive substance that alters the state of mind, here used as make-up on … Continued

Desvio para o vermelho

The caption of Desvio para o vermelho (1967-1984) presents two dates: the year the project was conceived (1967), and the year it was first assembled at the Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (1984); at Inhotim, it is permanently exhibited since 2006. The title of the work by Cildo Meireles makes reference to … Continued


Através (1983-1989) takes as a point of departure the child recollections of Cildo Meireles, a turning point from a moment when one could freely circulate between domestic spaces and the street, to the time when such spaces started to be surrounded by surveillance mechanisms – in the physical sense as much as in the psychological … Continued



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