Galeria Claudia Andujar is divided into three conceptual axes: A Terra [The Land], O Homem [The Man], and O Conflito [The Conflict]. The terms make reference to the sections of the book Os Sertões (1902), by Euclides da Cunha – The Land, the Man, and the Struggle –, that narrates the events of the Canudos war (1896-1897) in the backlands of Bahia. Both the literary work and the works present in this space offer an interpretation of how men and women relate with the fight for their rights and the recognition of their territory.
O homem
This big room was conceived as a field journal of the artist’s immersion in the Yanomami culture, between 1971 and 1977. Here we can see daily images showing life in the shabono (community house) and the urihi (the land-forest), as well as different ceremonies, like funeral rituals, consumption of yakoana (hallucinogenic plant), ceremonial preparation of food, dances, and the reahu (major ceremony involving several communities).

The use of natural light symbolizing the world of the xapiripë (ancestral spirits) evoked by the shamans is also a key aspect to these works and to the exhibition space. Just like all the photos of this gallery, the series Retratos was made in the region of the Wakata-ú (Catrimani) river, where Claudia Andujar spent the most time living in different Yanomami communities.
In this section are exhibited the following series: Casa; Floresta; Reahu; and Retratos.