La Intimidad de la Luz en St. Ives
Six tables, plaster, molds, clay, water, tools, and text

With sculptor’s tools and devices displayed on tables, Victor Grippo recreates an artist’s studio. Entering the space through a tiny gap of the window, the natural light also illuminates the room according to the sun’s movement over the day. This way, the work is also an indicator of the passage of time, incorporating what goes on outside of the room as part of the work.
Made for the first time in the studio during an artistic residency in St. Ives, a countryside village in southwest England, the work manifests the artist’s interest in the connections between art, life, and science by making use of organic matter right next to tools and items related to the work of sculpture. At Instituto Inhotim, the work occupies the former cabinetry workshop of the early farm, paying homage to the work previously performed in this space.