Inhotim 15 Years Occupation
On October 12, 2006, Inhotim opened its doors to visitors, affording a new experience with art, nature, and architecture. Commemorating its 15th anniversary, the Institute digs into its archives to revive cherished chapters, curiosities and behind-the-scenes of its history on its digital platforms, with #OcupaçãoInhotim15Anos. Every Wednesday, on Inhotim’s Instagram and Facebook, new content will me made available. #OcupaçãoInhotim15anos also takes place in the park, with a graphic intervention comprising posters at the Institute’s entrance. The pieces, created by Hardy Design, which has also designed Inhotim’s logo and its 15th anniversary commemorative stamp, will be handed out to visitors throughout the month of October. All visitors can get free posters at reception. You can also follow #OcupacaoInhotim15anos every Wednesday, on our social media pages.
Inhotim 15 Years Occupation