July at Inhotim
July is a month of many special highlights at Inhotim. Throughout the month, we will be open from Tuesday to Sunday, and with more free days: as of July 5, every Wednesday will have free admission at the Instituto Inhotim. To guarantee your visit, pick up your ticket in advance. The last Sunday of each month also remains free.
What’s New in the Art Collection
On July 16, the Institute inaugurates its twentieth permanent gallery, dedicated to Yayoi Kusama. In a space built in the Orange Axis that will exclusively house the artist’s immersive installations, the public will get to visit the works I’m Here, But Nothing (2000) and Aftermath of Obliteration of Eternity (2009). For the visitors’ convenience and comfort, Inhotim prepared a document with the special rules for visiting the Yayoi Kusama Gallery. Read it here.
This July is also the last opportunity to visit the temporary exhibitions Quilombo: vida, problemas e aspirações do negro, at the Lago Gallery, and O mundo é o teatro do homem, at the Fonte Gallery. Both remain on view through July 16. Don’t miss the chance to visit the group shows that make up the Abdias Nascimento and the Museum of Black Art Program.
Educational Program
A program with themed visits, workshops and activations also awaits you throughout this month of school break. With a comprehensive perspective of Inhotim’s spaces and collections, the Panoramic Visit takes place every day.
Several themed visits will also be offered throughout the month: Água mole, pedra dura – diálogos entre o mar e o deserto [Soft water, hard stone – dialogues between the sea and the desert], Meu corpo é… [My body is…] Propaganda e Fotografia nos caminhos de Inhotim [Advertising and Photography on the paths of Inhotim].
The month of July also offers a program of workshops: Cartão Postal – uma lembrança textual imagética [Postcard – a textual imagetic memory], Criação de novos discursos pela arte da colagem [Creation of new discourses through the art of collage], Empório de poções [Potions Emporium], Pintura surpresa [Surprise painting], and Mestre Didi e a plasticidade que nos permeia [Mestre Didi and the plasticity that permeates us].
There is also an educational action with the Yoruba language based on the work of Mestre Didi in activating Yoruba as it is spoken. The Retrato Plantado [Planted Portrait] and Natureza e saúde mental [Nature and Mental Health] Educational Stations are also part of the program.
Operation of Inhotim in July
In July, Inhotim is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays, and from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm on weekends and holidays. Organize your tour, come visit us, learn about the highlights and enjoy all of Inhotim’s programs.
Monthly Schedule
July at Inhotim

Programação no Inhotim: programação de férias, quartas gratuitas, mais dias abertos e nova Galeria Yayoi Kusama. Foto de Carolina Evangelista
Julho no Inhotim
Novidades no acervo artístico e mais dias de Inhotim aberto
Novidades no acervo artístico e mais dias de Inhotim aberto